Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it t
While making this project I defiantly feel like we have learnt a lot. From starting with the preliminary project, I felt like we had no idea what we was doing especially in the production. Personally I have never used any sort of editing programmes so I didn't really know what I was doing, but I got used to it much quicker than I thought. Now I feel so much more confident using Premiere pro than before, and I know all the shortcuts and features which makes it much easier to use.
When producing the preliminary task we hadn't really understood the layout for a opening sequence. The preliminary task really helped us understand the layout of a movie and how certain shots should be done. I think as a group we have learnt to communicate more and discuss together what type of shots we are doing and how later we are going to edit it, this is good because it can give us a more vivid idea in our minds on how the final outcome will look like.
Editing has been a vast improvement and I think we have all learnt a lot from it. Our preliminary task did have some editing in it, but it wasn't good as the opening sequence task. Firstly it didn't have any transitions to make the movie sequence look smooth, instead it would just cut from one scene to another making it look very unprofessional. In our movie opening scene it has transitions and effects to make it look smooth and look very professional, instead of it looking like amateur work.