What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
While making our media project we have learnt a great deal about technologies and how they have vastly helped, and improved, our media product.
To make our opening scene we used a Canon HD camera to film all of our shots. We knew it was a good camera because, not only was it HD, it had good focus,face recognition and great sound quality. We did have some faulty issues with other cameras, such as the Sony HD camera we tried to use. The problem with that was even thought it said 'HD' on the camera the quality wasn't so good, also in certain shots the sound quality went from good to bad which made it impossible to know what the characters were saying. Here are the cameras we used for our shots:
To make our shots look more accurate and sleek, we used a tripod and a dolly. The camera was put on the tripod to take steady shots. This way the camera would not be shaking much when its being turned or moved. For the dolly we had to use a wheelchair to act like a dolly; we weren't able to get an actual dolly, so we put the camera on the tripod and the tripod on the wheelchair. The tripod was securely in place so it would be able to move and we would get steady and smooth shots.
We used a computer to do all the editing and special effects for our opening sequence. The computer had a great editing software called 'Premiere pro' This enabled us to cut/crop the unneeded frames. This would allow our sequence to flow smoothly just like a normal opening movie, with lots of transitions to not only add tension but to make it more smooth. This wasn't the first time we had used Premier pro so we was quite familiar with some of the features, however we did have some difficulties as we didn't know where all the features were, we overcame this by practising more and getting help from other students.
We used YouTube for nearly everything. YouTube allowed us to get the audios we wanted, it allowed us to see what other psychological thriller movies looked like so it could give us an idea on what to do for our own one and how to give our media project a more psychological thriller feeling.